This module provides the necessary support for SQL based authentication, logging and other features as required. It replaces the SQL modules which were shipped with 1.2.0rc2 and earlier.
MySQLInfo PostgresInfo PostgresPort SQLAuthenticate SQLAuthoritative SQLAuthTypes SQLConnectInfo SQLDefaultGID SQLDefaultHomedir SQLDefaultUID SQLDoAuth SQLDoGroupAuth SQLEmptyPasswords SQLEncryptedPasswords SQLGidField SQLGroupGIDField SQLGroupInfo SQLGroupMembersField SQLGroupnameField SQLGroupTable SQLGroupWhereClause SQLHomedir SQLHomedirField SQLHomedirOnDemand SQLLog SQLLogDirs SQLLogFile SQLLogHits SQLLogHosts SQLLoginCountField SQLLogStats SQLMinID SQLMinUserGID SQLMinUserUID SQLNamedQuery SQLNegativeCache SQLPasswordField SQLProcessGrEnt SQLProcessPwEnt SQLRatios SQLRatioStats SQLScrambledPasswords SQLShellField SQLShowInfo SQLSSLHashedPasswords SQLUidField SQLUserInfo SQLUsernameField SQLUserTable SQLUserWhereClause SQLWhereClause
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