SQLConnectInfo [ connection-info] [ [username]] [ [password]]
server config, <Global>, <VirtualHost>
1.2.0 and later
This directive deprecates 'MySQLInfo', 'PostgresInfo', and 'PostgresPort'. Specifies connection information. Connection-info specifies the database, host, port, and other backend-specific information. username and password specify the username and password to connect as, respectively. Both default to NULL, which the backend will treat in some backend-specific manner. If you specify a password, you MUST specify a username. Any given backend has the opportunity (but not the responsibility) to check for syntax errors in the connection-info field at proftpd startup, but you shouldn't expect semantic errors (i.e., can't connect to the database) to be caught until mod_sql attempts to connect for a given host. The MySQL and Postgres backends connection-info is expected to be of the form: database[@hostname][:port] hostname will default to a backend-specific hostname (which happens to be 'localhost' for both the MySQL and Postgres backends), and port will default to a backend-specific default port (3306 for the MySQL backend, 5432 for the Postgres backend). Examples: SQLConnectInfo ftpusers@foo.com means "Try connecting to the database 'ftpuser' via the default port at 'foo.com'. Use a NULL username and a NULL password." SQLConnectInfo ftpusers:3000 admin means "Try connecting to the database 'ftpuser' via port 3000 at 'localhost'. Use the username 'admin' and a NULL password." SQLConnectInfo ftpusers@foo.com:3000 admin mypassword means "Try connecting to the database 'ftpuser' via port 3000 at 'foo.com'. Use the username 'admin' and the password 'mypassword'" Backends may require different information in the connection-info field; check your backend module for specifics.
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