

mod_core -- Core module




This module provides all the core functionality ProFTPD needs to function, this module must be compiled in.

See also

Allow AllowAll AllowFilter AllowForeignAddress AllowGroup AllowOverride AllowRetrieveRestart AllowStoreRestart AllowUser Anonymous AnonymousGroup AuthOrder Bind CDPath Class Classes CommandBufferSize DebugLevel DefaultAddress DefaultServer DefaultTransferMode DeferWelcome Define Deny DenyAll DenyFilter DenyGroup DenyUser Directory DisplayConnect DisplayFirstChdir DisplayGoAway DisplayLogin DisplayQuit Global Group GroupOwner HideFiles HideGroup HideNoAccess HideUser IdentLookups IfDefine IfModule IgnoreHidden Include Limit MasqueradeAddress MaxConnectionRate MaxInstances MultilineRFC2228 Order PassivePorts PathAllowFilter PathDenyFilter PidFile Port RLimitCPU RLimitMemory RLimitOpenFiles ScoreboardFile ScoreboardPath ServerAdmin ServerIdent ServerName ServerType SocketBindTight SyslogFacility SyslogLevel tcpBackLog tcpNoDelay tcpReceiveWindow tcpSendWindow TimeoutIdle TimesGMT TransferLog Umask User UseReverseDNS UserOwner VirtualHost WtmpLog