Order [ Order allow,deny|deny,allow]
Order allow,deny
0.99.0pl6 and later
The Order directive configures the order in which Allow and Deny directives are checked inside of a <Limit> block. Because Allow directives are permissive, and Deny directives restrictive, the order in which they are examined can significantly alter the way security functions. If the default setting of allow,deny is used, "allowed" access permissions are checked first. If an Allow directive explicitly allows access to the <Limit> context, access is granted and any Deny directives are never checked. If Allow did not explicitly permit access, Deny directives are checked. If any Deny directive applies, access is explicitly denied. Otherwise, access is granted. When deny,allow is used, "deny" access restrictions are checked first. If any restriction applies, access is denied immediately. If nothing is denied, Allow permissions are checked. If an Allow explicitly permits access, access to the entire context is permitted; otherwise access is implicitly denied. For clarification, the following illustrates the steps used when checking Allow/Deny access: Order allow,deny Check Allow directives. If one or more apply, exit with result: ALLOW Check Deny directives. If one or more apply, exit with result: DENY Exit with default implicit ALLOW Order deny,allow Check Deny directives. If one or more apply, exit with result: DENY Check Allow directives. If one or more apply, exit with result: ALLOW Exit with default implicit: DENY
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