Subject: 13. My connection won't stay down! Help!

If you haven't already, try using the prewritten call filters that Ascend has included (in version 4.3C and later), for IP, NetWare and AppleTalk. These filters should be applied to the Connection Profile of the calling Ascend unit (menu: Ethernet->Connections->[profile]-> Session options->Call filter=[filter-set #]).

When configured this way, the filters inform your unit which packets should be ignored as traffic.

Protocols such as LAT, DECnet, XNS, NetBIOS and Vines don't have pre-written filters, and have yet to be formalized. Appropriate filtering examples will be included in the FAQ as they come along, but if the intent is to block an entire protocol type (or prevent it from resetting the idle timer as a Call filter), a generic filter of the following form may be implemented:

  Value=protocol ID
A list of protocol IDs is available in the FAQ, in the protocol reference appendix.

UNIX System Tips

If you're connecting a remote UNIX system back to a central office, here are some "gotchas" to keep in mind:
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