Tables included below:
Decimal Description ------- ----------- 0 Reserved 1 TCP Port Service Multiplexer 2 Management Utility 3 Compression Process 4 Unassigned 5 Remote Job Entry 6 Unassigned 7 Echo 8 Unassigned 9 Discard 10 Unassigned 11 Active Users 12 Unassigned 13 Daytime 14 Unassigned 15 Unassigned 16 Unassigned 17 Quote of the Day 18 Message Send Protocol 19 Character Generator 20 File Transfer [Default Data] 21 File Transfer [Control] 22 Unassigned 23 Telnet 24 any private mail system 25 Simple Mail Transfer 26 Unassigned 27 NSW User System FE 28 Unassigned 29 MSG ICP 30 Unassigned 31 MSG Authentication 32 Unassigned 33 Display Support Protocol 34 Unassigned 35 any private printer server 36 Unassigned 37 Time 38 Route Access Protocol 39 Resource Location Protocol 40 Unassigned 41 Graphics 42 Host Name Server 43 Who Is 44 MPM FLAGS Protocol 45 Message Processing Module [recv] 46 MPM [default send] 47 NI FTP 48 Digital Audit Daemon 49 Login Host Protocol 50 Remote Mail Checking Protocol 51 IMP Logical Address Maintenance 52 XNS Time Protocol 53 Domain Name Server 54 XNS Clearinghouse 55 ISI Graphics Language 56 XNS Authentication 57 any private terminal access 58 XNS Mail 59 any private file service 60 Unassigned 61 NI MAIL 62 ACA Services 63 Unassigned 64 Communications Integrator (CI) 65 TACACS-Database Service 66 Oracle SQL*NET 67 Bootstrap Protocol Server 68 Bootstrap Protocol Client 69 Trivial File Transfer 70 Gopher 71 Remote Job Service 72 Remote Job Service 73 Remote Job Service 74 Remote Job Service 75 any private dial out service 76 Distributed External Object Store 77 any private RJE service 78 vettcp 79 Finger 80 World Wide Web HTTP 81 HOSTS2 Name Server 82 XFER Utility 83 MIT ML Device 84 Common Trace Facility 85 MIT ML Device 86 Micro Focus Cobol 87 any private terminal link 88 Kerberos 89 SU/MIT Telnet Gateway 90 DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map 91 MIT Dover Spooler 92 Network Printing Protocol 93 Device Control Protocol 94 Tivoli Object Dispatcher 95 SUPDUP 96 DIXIE Protocol Specification 97 Swift Remote Vitural File Protocol 98 TAC News 99 Metagram Relay 100 [unauthorized use] 101 NIC Host Name Server 102 ISO-TSAP 103 Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net 104 ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300 105 Mailbox Name Nameserver 106 3COM-TSMUX 107 Remote Telnet Service 108 SNA Gateway Access Server 109 Post Office Protocol - Version 2 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3 111 SUN Remote Procedure Call 112 McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol 113 Authentication Service 114 Audio News Multicast 115 Simple File Transfer Protocol 116 ANSA REX Notify 117 UUCP Path Service 118 SQL Services 119 Network News Transfer Protocol 120 CFDPTKT 121 Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call 122 SMAKYNET 123 Network Time Protocol 124 ANSA REX Trader 125 Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser 126 Unisys Unitary Login 127 Locus PC-Interface Conn Server 128 GSS X License Verification 129 Password Generator Protocol 130 cisco FNATIVE 131 cisco TNATIVE 132 cisco SYSMAINT 133 Statistics Service 134 INGRES-NET Service 135 Location Service 136 PROFILE Naming System 137 NETBIOS Name Service 138 NETBIOS Datagram Service 139 NETBIOS Session Service 140 EMFIS Data Service 141 EMFIS Control Service 142 Britton-Lee IDM 143 Interim Mail Access Protocol v2 144 NewS 145 UAAC Protocol 146 ISO-IP0 147 ISO-IP 148 CRONUS-SUPPORT 149 AED 512 Emulation Service 150 SQL-NET 151 HEMS 152 Background File Transfer Program 153 SGMP 154 NETSC 155 NETSC 156 SQL Service 157 KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol 158 PCMail Server 159 NSS-Routing 160 SGMP-TRAPS 161 SNMP 162 SNMPTRAP 163 CMIP/TCP Manager 164 CMIP/TCP Agent 165 Xerox 166 Sirius Systems 167 NAMP 168 RSVD 169 SEND 170 Network PostScript 171 Network Innovations Multiplex 172 Network Innovations CL/1 173 Xyplex 174 MAILQ 175 VMNET 176 GENRAD-MUX 177 X Display Manager Control Protocol 178 NextStep Window Server 179 Border Gateway Protocol 180 Intergraph 181 Unify 182 Unisys Audit SITP 183 OCBinder 184 OCServer 185 Remote-KIS 186 KIS Protocol 187 Application Communication Interface 188 Plus Five's MUMPS 189 Queued File Transport 190 Gateway Access Control Protocol 191 Prospero Directory Service 192 OSU Network Monitoring System 193 Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol 194 Internet Relay Chat Protocol 195 DNSIX Network Level Module Audit 196 DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir 197 Directory Location Service 198 Directory Location Service Monitor 199 SMUX 200 IBM System Resource Controller 201 AppleTalk Routing Maintenance 202 AppleTalk Name Binding 203 AppleTalk Unused 204 AppleTalk Echo 205 AppleTalk Unused 206 AppleTalk Zone Information 207 AppleTalk Unused 208 AppleTalk Unused 209 Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocol 210 ANSI Z39.50 211 Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal 212 ATEXSSTR 213 IPX 214 VM PWSCS 215 Insignia Solutions 216 Access Technology License Server 217 dBASE Unix 218 Netix Message Posting Protocol 219 Unisys ARPs 220 Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3 221 Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth 222 Berkeley rshd with SPX auth 223 Certificate Distribution Center 242 Unassigned 243 Survey Measurement 244 Unassigned 245 LINK 246 Display Systems Protocol 247 Reserved 344 Prospero Data Access Protocol 345 Perf Analysis Workbench 346 Zebra server 347 Fatmen Server 348 Cabletron Management Protocol 349-370 Unassigned 371 Clearcase 372 Unix Listserv 373 Legent Corporation 374 Legent Corporation 375 Hassle 376 Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto 377 NEC Corporation 378 NEC Corporation 379 TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client 380 TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server 381 hp performance data collector 382 hp performance data managed node 383 hp performance data alarm manager 384 A Remote Network Server System 385 IBM Application 386 ASA Message Router Object Def. 387 Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro. 388 Unidata LDM Version 4 389 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol 390 UIS 391 SynOptics SNMP Relay Port 392 SynOptics Port Broker Port 393 Data Interpretation System 394 EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer 395 NETscout Control Protocol 396 Novell Netware over IP 397 Multi Protocol Trans. Net. 398 Kryptolan 399 Unassigned 400 Workstation Solutions 401 Uninterruptible Power Supply 402 Genie Protocol 403 decap 404 nced 405 ncld 406 Interactive Mail Support Protocol 407 Timbuktu 408 Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man. 409 Prospero Resource Manager Node Man. 410 DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol 411 Remote MT Protocol 412 Trap Convention Port 413 SMSP 414 InfoSeek 415 BNet 416 Silverplatter 417 Onmux 418 Hyper-G 419 Ariel 420 SMPTE 421 Ariel 422 Ariel 423 IBM Operations Planning and Control Start 424 IBM Operations Planning and Control Track 425 ICAD 426 smartsdp 427 Server Location 428 OCS_CMU 429 OCS_AMU 430 UTMPSD 431 UTMPCD 432 IASD 433 NNSP 434 MobileIP-Agent 435 MobilIP-MN 436 DNA-CML 437 comscm 438 dsfgw 439 dasp 440 sgcp 441 decvms-sysmgt 442 cvc_hostd 443 https MCom 444 Simple Network Paging Protocol 445 Microsoft-DS 446 DDM-RDB 447 DDM-RFM 448 DDM-BYTE 449 AS Server Mapper 450 TServer 451-511 Unassigned 512/tcp remote process execution; authentication performed using passwords and UNIX loppgin names 512/udp used by mail system to notify users of new mail received; currently receives messages only from processes on the same machine 513/tcp remote login a la telnet; automatic authentication performed based on priviledged port numbers and distributed data bases which identify "authentication domains" 513/udp maintains data bases showing who's logged in to machines on a local net and the load average of the machine 514/tcp like exec, but automatic authentication is performed as for login server 514/udp 515/tcp spooler 515/udp spooler 516/tcp Unassigned 516/udp Unassigned 517/tcp like tenex link, but across machine - unfortunately, doesn't use link protocol (this is actually just a rendezvous port from which a tcp connection is established) 517/udp like tenex link, but across machine - unfortunately, doesn't use link protocol (this is actually just a rendezvous port from which a tcp connection is established) 518/tcp 518/udp 519/tcp unixtime 519/udp unixtime 520/tcp extended file name server 520/udp local routing process (on site); uses variant of Xerox NS routing information protocol 521-524 Unassigned 525 timeserver 526 newdate 527-529 Unassigned 530 rpc 531 chat 532 readnews 533 for emergency broadcasts 534-538 Unassigned 539 Apertus Technologies Load Determination 540 uucpd 541 uucp-rlogin 542 Unassigned 543 544 krcmd 550 new-who 550 new-who 551-555 Unassigned 556 rfs server 557-559 Unassigned 560 rmonitord 561 562 chcmd 563 Unassigned 564 plan 9 file service 565 whoami 566-569 Unassigned 570 demon 571 udemon 572-599 Unassigned 600 Sun IPC server 607 nqs 606 Cray Unified Resource Manager 608 Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer 609 npmp-trap 610 npmp-local 611 npmp-gui 634 ginad 666 666 doom Id Software 704 errlog copy/server daemon 709 EntrustManager 729 IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client 730 IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp 731 IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp 741 netGW 742 Network based Rev. Cont. Sys. 744 Flexible License Manager 747 Fujitsu Device Control 748 Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager 749 kerberos administration 750 751 752 753 754 send 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 767 phone 766 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 780 786 Concert 800 801 996 Central Point Software 997 998 999 999 Applix ac 1000 1023 Reserved 1024 Reserved =====================================================================
Decimal Keyword Protocol ------- ------- -------- 0 Reserved (internet pseudo-protocol number) 1 ICMP Internet Control Message 2 IGMP Internet Group Management 3 GGP Gateway-to-Gateway 4 IP IP in IP (encasulation) 5 ST Stream 6 TCP Transmission Control 7 UCL UCL 8 EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol 9 IGP any private interior gateway 10 BBN-RCC-MON BBN RCC Monitoring 11 NVP-II Network Voice Protocol 12 PUP PUP 13 ARGUS ARGUS 14 EMCON EMCON 15 XNET Cross Net Debugger 16 CHAOS Chaos 17 UDP User Datagram 18 MUX Multiplexing 19 DCN-MEAS DCN Measurement Subsystems 20 HMP Host Monitoring 21 PRM Packet Radio Measurement 22 XNS-IDP XEROX NS IDP 23 TRUNK-1 Trunk-1 24 TRUNK-2 Trunk-2 25 LEAF-1 Leaf-1 26 LEAF-2 Leaf-2 27 RDP Reliable Data Protocol 28 IRTP Internet Reliable Transaction 29 ISO-TP4 ISO Transport Protocol Class 4 30 NETBLT Bulk Data Transfer Protocol 31 MFE-NSP MFE Network Services Protocol 32 MERIT-INP MERIT Internodal Protocol 33 SEP Sequential Exchange Protocol 34 3PC Third Party Connect Protocol 35 IDPR Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol 36 XTP XTP 37 DDP Datagram Delivery Protocol 38 IDPR-CMTP IDPR Control Message Transport Proto 39 TP++ TP++ Transport Protocol 40 IL IL Transport Protocol 41 SIP Simple Internet Protocol 42 SDRP Source Demand Routing Protocol 43 SIP-SR SIP Source Route 44 SIP-FRAG SIP Fragment 45 IDRP Inter-Domain Routing Protocol 46 RSVP Reservation Protocol 47 GRE General Routing Encapsulation 48 MHRP Mobile Host Routing Protocol 49 BNA BNA 50 SIPP-ESP SIPP Encap Security Payload 51 SIPP-AH SIPP Authentication Header 52 I-NLSP Integrated Net Layer Security TUBA 53 SWIPE IP with Encryption 54 NHRP NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol 55-60 Unassigned 61 any host internal protocol 62 CFTP CFTP 63 any local network 64 SAT-EXPAK SATNET and Backroom EXPAK 65 KRYPTOLAN Kryptolan 66 RVD MIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol 67 IPPC Internet Pluribus Packet Core 68 any distributed file system 69 SAT-MON SATNET Monitoring 70 VISA VISA Protocol 71 IPCV Internet Packet Core Utility 72 CPNX Computer Protocol Network Executive 73 CPHB Computer Protocol Heart Beat 74 WSN Wang Span Network 75 PVP Packet Video Protocol 76 BR-SAT-MON Backroom SATNET Monitoring 77 SUN-ND SUN ND PROTOCOL-Temporary 78 WB-MON WIDEBAND Monitoring 79 WB-EXPAK WIDEBAND EXPAK 80 ISO-IP ISO Internet Protocol 81 VMTP VMTP 82 SECURE-VMTP SECURE-VMTP 83 VINES VINES 84 TTP TTP 85 NSFNET-IGP NSFNET-IGP 86 DGP Dissimilar Gateway Protocol 87 TCF TCF 88 IGRP IGRP 89 OSPFIGP OSPFIGP 90 Sprite-RPC Sprite RPC Protocol 91 LARP Locus Address Resolution Protocol 92 MTP Multicast Transport Protocol 93 AX.25 AX.25 Frames 94 IPIP IP-within-IP Encapsulation Protocol 95 MICP Mobile Internetworking Control Pro. 96 SCC-SP Semaphore Communications Sec. Pro. 97 ETHERIP Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation 98 ENCAP Encapsulation Header 99 any private encryption scheme 100 GMTP GMTP 101-254 Unassigned 255 Reserved =====================================================================
MSB BIT2 BIT3 LSB --------------------------------------------------------------------- LS _| 8 4 2 1 Byte | 128 64 32 16 2048 1024 512 256 32,768 16,384 8,192 4,096 524,288 262,144 131,072 65,536 8,388,608 4,194,304 2,097,152 1,048,576 MS _| 134,217,728 67,108,864 33,554,432 16,777,216 Byte | 2,147,483,648 1,073,744,824 536,870,912 268,435,456 =====================================================================
Ethernet -------- Field length (in bytes): 7 1 6 6 2 46-1500 4 .-----------------------------------...------------. |Preamble|S|Dest. |Source| T| | | | |O|Addr. | Addr.| y| [DATA] |FCS | | |F| | | p| | CRC| | | | | | e| | | `-----------------------------------...------------' IEEE 802.3 Frame Structure -------------------------- Field length (in bytes): 7 1 6 6 2 46-1500 4 .-----------------------------------...------------. |Preamble|S|Dest. |Source| L| | | | |O|Addr. | Addr.|en| [802.2 header |FCS | | |F| | |gt| and DATA] | CRC| | | | | | h| | | `-----------------------------------...------------' =====================================================================
Decimal Hex Description ------- --------- ----------- 000 0000-05DC IEEE 802.3 Length Field 257 0101-01FF Experimental 512 0200 XEROX PUP (see 0A00) 513 0201 PUP Addr Trans (see 0A01) 0400 Nixdorf 1536 0600 XEROX NS IDP 0660 DLOG 0661 DLOG 2048 0800 Internet IP (IPv4) 2049 0801 X.75 Internet 2050 0802 NBS Internet 2051 0803 ECMA Internet 2052 0804 Chaosnet 2053 0805 X.25 Level 3 2054 0806 ARP 2055 0807 XNS Compatability 2076 081C Symbolics Private 2184 0888-088A Xyplex 2304 0900 Ungermann-Bass net debugr 2560 0A00 Xerox IEEE802.3 PUP 2561 0A01 PUP Addr Trans 2989 0BAD Banyan Systems 4096 1000 Berkeley Trailer nego 4097 1001-100F Berkeley Trailer encap/IP 5632 1600 Valid Systems 16962 4242 PCS Basic Block Protocol 21000 5208 BBN Simnet 24576 6000 DEC Unassigned (Exp.) 24577 6001 DEC MOP Dump/Load 24578 6002 DEC MOP Remote Console 24579 6003 DEC DECNET Phase IV Route 24580 6004 DEC LAT 24581 6005 DEC Diagnostic Protocol 24582 6006 DEC Customer Protocol 24583 6007 DEC LAVC, SCA 24584 6008-6009 DEC Unassigned 24586 6010-6014 3Com Corporation 28672 7000 Ungermann-Bass download 28674 7002 Ungermann-Bass dia/loop 28704 7020-7029 LRT 28720 7030 Proteon 28724 7034 Cabletron 32771 8003 Cronus VLN 32772 8004 Cronus Direct 32773 8005 HP Probe 32774 8006 Nestar 32776 8008 AT&T 32784 8010 Excelan 32787 8013 SGI diagnostics 32788 8014 SGI network games 32789 8015 SGI reserved 32790 8016 SGI bounce server 32793 8019 Apollo Computers 32815 802E Tymshare 32816 802F Tigan, Inc. 32821 8035 Reverse ARP 32822 8036 Aeonic Systems 32824 8038 DEC LANBridge 32825 8039-803C DEC Unassigned 32829 803D DEC Ethernet Encryption 32830 803E DEC Unassigned 32831 803F DEC LAN Traffic Monitor 32832 8040-8042 DEC Unassigned 32836 8044 Planning Research Corp. 32838 8046 AT&T 32839 8047 AT&T 32841 8049 ExperData 32859 805B Stanford V Kernel exp. 32860 805C Stanford V Kernel prod. 32861 805D Evans & Sutherland 32864 8060 Little Machines 32866 8062 Counterpoint Computers 32869 8065 Univ. of Mass. @ Amherst 32870 8066 Univ. of Mass. @ Amherst 32871 8067 Veeco Integrated Auto. 32872 8068 General Dynamics 32873 8069 AT&T 32874 806A Autophon 32876 806C ComDesign 32877 806D Computgraphic Corp. 32878 806E-8077 Landmark Graphics Corp. 32890 807A Matra 32891 807B Dansk Data Elektronik 32892 807C Merit Internodal 32893 807D-807F Vitalink Communications 32896 8080 Vitalink TransLAN III 32897 8081-8083 Counterpoint Computers 32923 809B Appletalk 32924 809C-809E Datability 32927 809F Spider Systems Ltd. 32931 80A3 Nixdorf Computers 32932 80A4-80B3 Siemens Gammasonics Inc. 32960 80C0-80C3 DCA Data Exchange Cluster 80C4 Banyan Systems 80C5 Banyan Systems 32966 80C6 Pacer Software 32967 80C7 Applitek Corporation 32968 80C8-80CC Intergraph Corporation 32973 80CD-80CE Harris Corporation 32975 80CF-80D2 Taylor Instrument 32979 80D3-80D4 Rosemount Corporation 32981 80D5 IBM SNA Service on Ether 32989 80DD Varian Associates 32990 80DE-80DF Integrated Solutions TRFS 32992 80E0-80E3 Allen-Bradley 32996 80E4-80F0 Datability 33010 80F2 Retix 33011 80F3 AppleTalk AARP (Kinetics) 33012 80F4-80F5 Kinetics 33015 80F7 Apollo Computer 33023 80FF-8103 Wellfleet Communications 33031 8107-8109 Symbolics Private 33072 8130 Hayes Microcomputers 33073 8131 VG Laboratory Systems 8132-8136 Bridge Communications 33079 8137-8138 Novell, Inc. 33081 8139-813D KTI 8148 Logicraft 8149 Network Computing Devices 814A Alpha Micro 33100 814C SNMP 814D BIIN 814E BIIN 814F Technically Elite Concept 8150 Rational Corp 8151-8153 Qualcomm 815C-815E Computer Protocol Pty Ltd 8164-8166 Charles River Data System 817D-818C Protocol Engines 818D Motorola Computer 819A-81A3 Qualcomm 81A4 ARAI Bunkichi 81A5-81AE RAD Network Devices 81B7-81B9 Xyplex 81CC-81D5 Apricot Computers 81D6-81DD Artisoft 81E6-81EF Polygon 81F0-81F2 Comsat Labs 81F3-81F5 SAIC 81F6-81F8 VG Analytical 8203-8205 Quantum Software 8221-8222 Ascom Banking Systems 823E-8240 Advanced Encryption Syste 827F-8282 Athena Programming 8263-826A Charles River Data System 829A-829B Inst Ind Info Tech 829C-82AB Taurus Controls 82AC-8693 Walker Richer & Quinn 8694-869D Idea Courier 869E-86A1 Computer Network Tech 86A3-86AC Gateway Communications 86DB SECTRA 86DE Delta Controls 34543 86DF ATOMIC 86E0-86EF Landis & Gyr Powers 8700-8710 Motorola 8A96-8A97 Invisible Software 36864 9000 Loopback 36865 9001 3Com(Bridge) XNS Sys Mgmt 36866 9002 3Com(Bridge) TCP-IP Sys 36867 9003 3Com(Bridge) loop detect 65280 FF00 BBN VITAL-LanBridge cache FF00-FF0F ISC Bunker RamoThe standard for transmission of IP datagrams over Ethernets and Experimental Ethernets is specified in [RFC894] and [RFC895] respectively.