FlashFXP is a Windows program which allows site to site transfers via the port bouncing technique described in rfc2577 (FTP Security Considerations [informational]). As a general rule allowing port bouncing is a bad idea and a major security hole.

Configuring Proftpd to allow port bouncing is simple, add "AllowForeignAddress on" in either the Global or Anonymous sections as appropriate and reloading the configuration will suffice. Without these directives the server will report "425 Passive PASV port theft" to syslog.

Example 4-4. Configuration fragment

ServerName			"Frostbite FTPserver"
ServerType			standalone
	ExtendedLog    /var/spool/syslog/proftpd/fascist.log ALL default
	ServerIdent			on "Linux.co.uk server"
	AllowForeignAddress	on
	PathDenyFilter			"(\.htaccess)|(\.ftpaccess)$"
ServerAdmin             zathras@linux.co.uk                     
ServerName              "Linux.co.uk FTP Archive"
<Anonymous /ftp/ftp.linux.co.uk>
        User                    ftp
        Group                   ftp
        UserAlias               anonymous ftp
        RequireValidShell       no
	AllowForeignAddress	on