TCPAccessFiles [ allow-filename deny-filename]
server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>, <Anonymous>
1.2.1 and later
TCPAccessFiles specifies two files, an allow and a deny file, each of which contain the IP addresses, networks or name-based masks to be allowed or denied connections to the server. The files have the same format as the standard tcpwrappers hosts.allow/deny files.
Both file names are required. Also, the paths to both files must be the full path, with two exceptions: if the path starts with ~/, the check of that path will be delayed until a user requests a connection, at which time the path will be resolved to that user's home directory; or if the path starts with ~user/, where user is some system user. In this latter case, mod_wrap will attempt to resolve and verify the given user's home directory on start-up.
The service name for which mod_wrap will look in the indicated access files is proftpd by default; this can be configured via the TCPServiceName directive. There is a built-in precedence to the TCPAccessFiles, TCPGroupAccessFiles, and TCPUserAccessFiles directives, if all are used. mod_wrap will look for applicable TCPUserAccessFiles for the connecting user first. If no applicable TCPUserAccessFiles is found, mod_wrap will search for TCPGroupAccessFiles which pertain to the connecting user. If not found, mod_wrap will then look for the server-wide TCPAccessFiles directive. This allows for access control to be set on a per-server basis, and allow for per-user or per-group access control to be handled without interfering with the server access rules.
# server-wide access files TCPAccessFiles /etc/ftpd.allow /etc/ftpd.deny # per-user access files, which are to be found in the user's home directory TCPAccessFiles ~/my.allow ~/my.deny
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