LDAPHomedirOnDemandPrefix [ leading-path ]
LDAPHomedirOnDemandPrefix off
server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
mod_ldap v2.8 and later
LDAPHomedirOnDemandPrefix enables a prefix to be specified for on-demand home directory creation. This is most useful if mod_ldap is being used to authenticate against an LDAP directory that does not return a homeDirectory attribute, either because it cannot (Microsoft Active Directory, for example) or because you do not wish to extend your existing directory schema.
For example, setting this directive to "/home" and logging in as the user "joe" would result in his home directory being created as "/home/joe". The directory will be created with the mode specified in LDAPHomedirOnDemand. To use this directive, LDAPHomedirOnDemand must be enabled.
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